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Četvrta Interkultura: Aktualni sat – Izbjeglička kriza ili kriza solidarnosti?

epa05187690 A refugee holds a sign at the start of the expulsion of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016.  A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts.  EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE
A refugee holds a sign at the start of the expulsion of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

U sklopu treninga Ambasadori solidarnosti, inicijative Dobrodošli! i GOOD u suradnji s Centrom za mirovne studije i Europskim domom Slavonski Brod organiziraju “4. Interkulturu: Aktualni sat: Izbjeglička kriza ili kriza solidarnosti?” u subotu, 9. travnja 2016. od 15 do 17 sati u Centru mladih (Ante Starčevića 11) u Slavonskom Brodu.

Četvrta Interkultura u Slavonskom Brodu bit će susret mladih na temu kakvu solidarnost pokazujemo spram izbjeglica. Na susretu će sudjelovati 20-ak srednjoškolaca iz cijele Hrvatske koji sudjeluju na treningu Ambasadori solidarnosti Inicijative Dobrodošli! te članovi Parlamenta mladih iz Slavonskog Broda, kao i mladi iz Grčke i Italije.

Rasprava će biti na engleskom jeziku, a susret će moderirati kolegica Emina Bužinkić iz Inicijative Dobrodošli.

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