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Počelo rušenje dijela izbjegličkog kampa u Calaisu

epa05187712 A burning shelter at the start of the demolition of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

Rušenje južnog dijela izbjegličkog kampa “Džungla” u Calaisu, na sjeveru Francuske, čiju je evakuaciju naložio sud, počelo je u ponedjeljak uz snažne mjere osiguranja, javlja France Presse, a prenosi HINA.

Vlada želi srušiti taj najveći kamp u zemlji u kojem po različitim izvorima živi između 3700 i 7000 ljudi, a u četvrtak je dobila sudsko odobrenje da evakuira južni dio kampa. Vlasti tvrdi da ne planira koristiti silu.


U južnom dijelu kampa živi između 800 i 1000 ljudi po vlastima, dok nevladine organizacije tvrde da ih je 3450. Ti bi ljudi trebali biti premješteni u prihvatilišta u Calaisu ili drugdje u zemlji.

Tijekom rušenja kvarta privedena je jedna aktivistkinja iz protuglobalističkog pokreta “No border”, koja se bori za ukidanje granica, objavila je policija. Izbjeglice i nevladine organizacije već dugo prosvjeduju protiv odluke o rušenju izbjegličkih skloništa u kampa u Calaisu.

Belgija je zbog rušenja kampa postrožila kontrole na granici.


epa05187867 Refugees block a truck on the highway near the so-called Calais Jungle make-shift camp at the start of the expulsion of a part of 'the Jungle' in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187687 Refugees try to extinguish a blazing shelter at the start of the expulsion of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187680 Refugees in front of French riot police at the start of the expulsion of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187688 A refugee taking a selfie and make a call in front of a blazing shelter at the start of the expulsion of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187689 Worker at the start of the demolition of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187713 A refugee passes a burning shelter at the start of the demolition of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187690 A refugee holds a sign at the start of the expulsion of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187716 A burning shelter at the start of the demolition of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

epa05187691 Refugees by a burning shelter at the start of the expulsion of a part of the Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, 29 February 2016. A court in Lille, northern France, upheld an expulsion order issued by local authorities to clear part of the migrant camps. Tensions rose as riot police fired tear gas in the direction of onlookers while workers bulldozed the makeshift huts. EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE
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